


本年度的萌王为《Re:从零开始的异世界生活》的雷姆,燃王为《我的青春恋爱物语果然有问题》的比企谷八幡。 2018年度世萌章程. 展开2018年度世萌章程.

International Saimoe League

The International Saimoe League (ISML) is an online anime character popularity tournament which aims to find the most moe among anime characters.


本屆世萌達成的一些紀錄 ; ISML史上代表角色進入季番表演賽決賽次數最多的聲優, 佐倉綾音. I'm Enterprise 所屬, 3次 ; ISML史上代表角色奪得季番表演賽冠軍次數最多的聲優 ...

ISML 2018 - Saimoe Wiki

ISML 2018 was the 12th edition of International Saimoe League, an online anime character popularity contest. This edition was marked by a dramatic increase ...

ISML 2018

Welcome to The International Saimoe League. Our mission is to discover who is the most moe among anime girls, and it's up to you to decide by casting your vote!

ISML 2022

欢迎关注我们的Discord, Facebook, Twitter或加入我们的论坛。 International Saimoe League. 449 subscribers. ISML 2021 Postseason PV. International Saimoe League.